Login Problems?

Forgot Password

Forgot Registered Email

Account Locked

 Forgot Password

1. Click "Reset your password" on the Login Page.

Tactica reset password

2. In the pop-up window, enter your registered email address and click "OK".

Tactica reset password

3. You will receive an email with a URL to a secured page where you can reset your password.

Password must be 8-20 characters and it is case sensitive

Must have at least one alphabet and one number and one special character

Tactica reset password

4 . After successfully reset password, you will see the following pop-up window.

Tactica reset password

Forgot Registered Email

1. Click the link "Forgot your email?" on the Login Page.

Tactica forgot email

2. In the pop up window, enter your First Name AND Last Name OR your Cell Phone number and click "OK".

Tactica forgot email

3. You will see the "Search Result" displaying your registered email address, which is also your Login ID. If the system cannot find your registered email, try to search via Cell Phone number or re-keying your First Name and Last Name.

Tactica reset password

If the system cannot find your registered email, you will see the following pop-up window.

Tactica forgot password

Account Locked

1.Click "Reset your password" on the Login Page.

Tactica reset password

2. In the pop-up window, enter your registered email address and click "OK".

Tactica reset password

3. You will receive an email with a URL to a secured page where you can reset your password.

Tactica reset password

4 . After successfully reset password ,you will see the following screen.

Tactica reset password